Showing posts with label museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label museum. Show all posts

July 21, 2013

National Geographics Museum (Washington DC)

Copyright 2013 MM.Rogers
All rights reserved.
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   A photograph can be an instant of life captured for eternity that will never cease looking back at you. - Brigitte Bardot   
A visit to a museum is always an awesome, mild learning experience for everyone. For kids though, it's quite challenging to keep them cool and collected. Took my daughter to her first ever museum this summer, we chose to go to National Geographics Museum in DC. I wish for her to be a microbiologist (I know it's very specific) someday and I think of no better place to influence her to love animals, the wild and the outdoors than here. Photography too, of course. My daughter, however, is just 7 months old. Although everything inside the museum shouts awesomeness, my baby turned out to be fixated on and fascinated with the lights. Meanwhile, my husband and I were taken back to 1800s to a world of ships, whiskey and yes, pirates. Real pirates who carried real treasures in their ships. Sunken, treasures were later discovered, currently displayed at the Nat Geo Museum. I'm posting photos of some cover displays at the museum, how the prestigious magazine has evolved over the years - celebrating 125 years.

Being a Filipina, this struck me. Somehow in 1966, Philippines was interesting country enough to have made it to cover.
An early magazine cover (no photo) that dates back to 1900

This room is full of wall to wall Nat Geo mag covers spanning 125 years

The early magazine covers